Happy Birthday to YOU baby girl. You're finally 21 Jalisha!!!! WOOT WOOT! I know you're not excited due to the bs that's going on at the moment, but I want you to remember that it's not the end of the world & you are a very fortunate woman! Many people out there did not have the chance to make it to their 21st birthday & I am proud and honored to say that you have MADE IT CHiiCK & of course many more years to come! You are such a smart, beautiful, special* young woman and I am very glad to have you as my friend, correction my BEST FRIEND. Our friendship began in July 08' Orientation, I remember that day like it was yesterday *tears of joy* & our friendship has gotten much stronger. Due to the fact that you left because of some trifling bs that a certain individual did; I feel like you become such a better person & you are doing much better in school, life, work, & all of the above. I am a firm believe of the good ole saying: "EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON" & that my friend is very true in your case. You have grown so much & I cannot stress & emphasize how proud I am of you. You may not see right now how you have grown but through my eyes I see a lot of changes & I am all smiles =).
January 13th, 1990------> A star was born & don't ever forget that you are one of a kind babes
We are getting older and wiser & we don't have to waist anymore, we have to get going on this business that I strongly believe WILL happen! Don't ever give up Moochie & stop trying to please everyone, but Y O U R S E L F ! Pleasing everyone will get you but so far. I don't want to get to much in depth, because I can go on for DAYS (lol). Anyway DOE (KAT STACKS VOICE)
"Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end, and somewhere in the middle we became the best of friends."
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